Project Scope Examples

3 years ago   •   13 min read

By Zekeriya Mulbay
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Wondering what types of projects you'll be getting on a freelance platform like Upwork?

We provide freelancers with examples of project descriptions so you can get a look at what clients are hiring for.

Freelancing websites can be overwhelming to new freelancers — and sometimes even the pros. There are tens of thousands of projects posted each day. What does an average freelance project look like? How much does it pay?

After a few years of working for yourself, you're bound to generate a backlog of ideas you'd like to work on. So how do you narrow down what jobs are good for you and your skillset?

We decided to post some examples of project scope so freelancers can find ideas they're interested in and also be able to see what types of projects are available on freelance platforms.

Shopify Theme Customization Project Scope Statement Example

Name of project: [company name] Shopify theme customization

Project goals and objectives: Provide a customized theme for an e-commerce company to use on its Shopify site. The goal is to provide an experience that feels familiar to the website's users and matches the brand's style. Deliverables include a custom-made homepage banner, a custom logo, and a color palette that matches the brand.

Tasks and deliverables: Homepage banner image, custom logo, color palettes

Identifying potential obstacles: Potential obstacles could include copyright issues with using images or logos from other sites. If this occurs, I will have backup images prepared in case I am unable to use any of the images provided by the client in order to avoid wasting time.

Inclusions and exclusions: The website redesign does not include adding new categories, changing existing page structures, or altering page content.

Identifying necessary resources: Shopify store login information.

Milestone schedule:

  • Initial design (5 days)
  • Approvals and revisions (5 days)
  • Production (10 days)

Site Speed Optimisation Project Scope Statement Example

Estimated Budget - $4,000

Project Goals & Objectives

  • Increase user experience by improving site speed
  • Reduce bounce rate and increase conversion rate of customers that visit the website.

Tasks & Deliverables

  • Analyse the current site performance to determine areas for improvement.
  • Provide a comprehensive report with suggestions for improvement.
  • Implement changes within the agreed timeframe.

Milestone Schedule:

  • Project planning - 1 week
  • Analysis of current website speed - 3 weeks with weekly reports provided to the client.
  • Website implementation - 2 weeks with daily reports provided to the client.

New Website Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: New Website Design

Estimated Budget: $2,520.00

Project Goals & Objectives:

  • Redesign our website
  • Provide a more intuitive user experience
  • Improve site performance and search engine optimization

Tasks & Deliverables:

  • Create new site structure and navigation model
  • Design new pages/templates to be used as a basis for all other pages
  • Create new site architecture and content strategy


  • 5/5 – Concept Phase – Site structure and navigation model finalization, design concept development, project discovery
  • 5/12 – Design Phase – Site structure and navigation mockup finalization, design mockup development based on selected concept, project review with client (final changes before proceeding to coding)
  • 5/20 – Coding Phase – Coding of templates, integration with CMS and other applications (e.g., Google Analytics), testing and debugging, project review with client (final changes before launching website)

API Integration Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: API Integration

Estimated Budget: $12,000.00

Project Goals & Objectives

Integrate a third-party application with the company's existing system. This will allow the company to much more effectively use the data from this app to make better business decisions, as well as reduce overhead on both ends of the integration.

The goals include:

  • Increase efficiency by reducing time spent compiling data from the third-party application.
  • Improve decision-making processes by allowing access to more accurate and up-to-date data.
  • Reduce costs incurred by outsourcing data processing and analytics work.

Tasks & Deliverables

  • Install third-party API on company servers (2 weeks)
  • Set up automated daily data transfers (10 weeks)
  • Integrate the application with the existing system (16 weeks)
  • Test integration (17 weeks)
  • Verification of working integration (22 weeks)

Webflow Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: The Webflow Project

Budget: $5,000.00

Project Goals & Objectives: The goal of the project is to create a functioning website that works with browser technology. The objectives are to do this in a way that respects the client's vision, as well as the principles of good design and good development.

Tasks & Deliverables: The tasks for the project will be completed in stages, each one coming with a deliverable. That deliverable will be reviewed by both parties in order to make sure the project is proceeding according to plan.

The first deliverable will be the graphic design mockups for each page in the website. These will be reviewed and approved by both parties before proceeding to stage two, where we develop those designs into fully-functioning web pages using Webflow technology. Once all pages are developed, they will be tested across platforms and browsers and then delivered as a working website.

Milestone Schedule:

  • Milestone one is the completion of graphic design mockups.
  • Milestone two is the completion of full web development on each page.
  • Milestone three is the testing and delivery of the finished website

Bug Fixing Project Scope Statement Example

Project name: Bug Fixing

Estimated budget: $1,000

Project goals:

  • Fix the bug that's causing the application to crash on certain Android devices.
  • Figure out why we can't load more than 15 posts on the front page.
  • Look into the issue where users are not seeing their posts show up in the feed.


  • We want to be able to load up to 30 posts on our front page.
  • We want to fix the bug that causes our app to crash on Android Nougat and Pie versions.

Tasks & Deliverables:

  • Identify what is causing the crash and provide a solution by Tuesday at 3 PM.
  • Find out how many unique users this bug has affected and report back by Tuesday at 5 PM.

Woocommerce Project Scope Statement Example

Project name: Create a new online store for [company name]

Estimated budget: $10,000

Project Goals & Objectives:

Create an online store so that customers can purchase the company's products over the web


  • Develop an e-commerce website using Woocommerce and WordPress that meets our client's needs and is easy to use by both the client and their customers
  • Train the client on how to use their new website to process orders, report on sales, etc.
  • Ensure that our client's brand has a strong presence on their new website.


  • Website prototype/design mockup for preliminary approval (1 week)
  • Functional website for final review and approval (3 weeks)
  • Final website delivered to client (4 weeks)

Data Science Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: Reinventing a Travel Website with Data Science

Estimated Budget: $8,000 for 8 weeks

Project Goals & Objectives: The goal of this project is to use data from our current website to develop a set of metrics that will allow us to improve our site's user experience.

The objectives are:

  • to define the metrics we need to assess the impact of changes made to the site (A/B testing)
  • to identify key features that are causing users to abandon their cart before purchase

Tasks & Deliverables:

  • A list of metrics that we can use in A/B tests so that we can determine if our changes improve user experience (week 1-2)
  • An analysis of which features cause users to abandon their cart before purchase, and suggested improvements (week 3-6)

App Development Project Scope Statement Example

Budget: $50,000

Goals & Objectives: This project aims to create an app that helps people manage their diabetes. The app's primary goal is to remind users to take their insulin and check their blood sugar. It will be able to send notifications based on user input.

Tasks & Deliverables: The deliverables of this project are an app with the following functionality:

  • Users can input their prescription information into the app; the app will automatically generate reminders for them based on their prescription information
  • Users can set up reminders for blood sugar tests, insulin injections, and other related tasks in the app
  • Users can set up friends and family members as emergency contacts within the app, who will get notified if a user misses a due task or fails to check-in at the prescribed time
  • Users can customize when they want to receive notifications from the app (within a certain range of hours) so that it isn't disruptive during any particular time of day

Smart Contract Project Scope Statement Example

Budget: $49,000

Project Goals & Objectives:

  • Create a smart contract that allows users to register their pets and find lost pets in their area based on GPS coordinates
  • Build a website that allows users to register their pet with the smart contract, and also provides them with nearby lost pet results
  • Create a mobile app that allows users to register their pet with the smart contract, update their pet's status (lost or found), and also provide them with nearby lost pet results when they open the app
  • Create a social media campaign to promote our new service and bring awareness to the plight of abandoned pets


  • Milestone 1: Complete research on blockchain protocols, hosting plans, and pricing. Deliverable will be a written report detailing the results.
  • Milestone 2: Create a smart contract for registering pets and finding lost pets within a user's location. The delivery of this milestone will be source code for the smart contract, documentation, and unit tests.
  • Milestone 3: Create a website that interacts with smart contracts. The delivery of this milestone will be source code for the site and documentation.
  • Milestone 4: Create a mobile app that interacts with smart contracts. The delivery of this milestone will be source code

NFT Minting Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: NFT Minting

Estimated Budget: $15,000

Project Goals & Objectives:

  • A client is a group of local artists who want to create their own marketplace for non-fungible tokens.
  • They want the project to be built in truffle and deployed on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • They want a smart contract where they can sell their artwork at a fixed cost. If a buyer purchases the artwork then the money will be sent to the respective artist.
  • They also want an option where they can auction off their artwork. In that case, the highest bidder will get the artwork and money will be sent to the respective artist.
  • They want smart contracts for both options i.e fixed price and auctioning price.
  • The web application should have two payment options i.e using MetaMask for eth based payments and PayPal for fiat-based payments (depending on which option is chosen by the user).

Tasks & Deliverables:

  • Install truffle and set up frontend framework
  • Create a smart contract for the fixed-price sale of artworks with MetaMask integration for payments in eth cryptocurrency.
  • Create a smart contract for auctioning of artworks with MetaMask integration for

Game Development Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: Project Sword

Estimated Budget: $50,000

Project Goals & Objectives: Create an exciting, immersive game that truly captures the spirit of swordplay and medieval combat for players and allows them to experience a story with a rich cast of characters and a compelling plot.

Tasks & Deliverables:

  • Create a graphic design plan for the game and its characters.
  • Create the computer programming code that will allow players to control their characters in the game while they interact with other characters and objects.
  • Design player controls and define the way that weapons work in the game.
  • Ensure that all graphics are high quality.
  • Perform quality assurance to ensure that all characters, settings, and environments have been tested in-game.

Milestone Schedule:

  • Conceptualization (1 week)
  • Graphic Design/Story Development (4 weeks)
  • Programming (12 weeks)
  • Quality Assurance (4 weeks)

DeFi Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: Lilac

The estimated budget for this project is $3,000 and it is expected to be completed by January 25th, 2021.

Goal: This project aims to create a DeFi project that will serve as a bridge between the Ethereum and Ethereum Classic blockchains. The project is designed to allow users to make cross-chain swaps between ERC20 tokens on these two chains.

Objectives: To build an ERC20 token that can be used on the Ethereum Classic chain, with special functionality that allows it to be used as a bridge between the two chains.

Tasks & Deliverables: In order to achieve the goal of this project, there are several tasks that must be completed. First, we must define the logic for using this token as a bridge between chains. Then we will need to deploy smart contracts with solidity code that can execute this logic on both chains. Finally, we will need to test our code and release it into its final iteration.

Milestone Schedule: We expect that the task of defining the logic of the token will take less than three hours and should be completed before the end of today's workday. Once complete, we will

Email Marketing Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: Email Marketing

Estimated Budget: $500

Project Goals & Objectives: The goal of this project is to design a compelling, effective email marketing campaign that establishes [company name] as an industry leader and creates a sense of urgency around our brand. We want to build a customer base by encouraging them to subscribe to our newsletter, which will include discounts on our products as well as exclusive deals.

Tasks & Deliverables: For this project, we will work together to create an email marketing campaign that will be sent out either weekly or monthly. It will include a sale or promotion for one of our products and encourage people to sign up for our newsletter.

Our team will also be responsible for creating the newsletter itself, including the layout and code. We'll need you to provide us with the appropriate information so that it can be included in each issue.

YouTube Channel Project Scope Statement Example

The project name is: A YouTube Channel

The estimated budget is $10000

Project Goals & Objectives:

  • Create a YouTube channel, without violating any of the rules provided by YouTube.
  • Make a channel that abides by all of the policies provided by YouTube.
  • Ensure that we don't violate any copyright laws while creating our own videos.
  • Ensure that the videos that we make are available to everyone on YouTube, around the world.
  • Ensure that our videos don't play at a resolution lower than 720p on YouTube when viewed on desktops or laptops.
  • Ensure that our videos don't play at a resolution lower than 480p on YouTube when viewed on tablets or smartphones.
  • We will not update or post any new video until and unless it passes all of the above-mentioned goals and objectives.

We will not be held responsible for any copyright violations if any third party claims so in the future for our video content being posted on YouTube, even after following all of the above-mentioned goals and objectives as well as all other rules provided by YouTube itself.

Tasks & Deliverables: Make 12 videos, one per month, that are related to the topic of the channel. Example topics: life as a student, how to make Pop-Tarts, tutorials on using technology.

Icon Design Project Scope Statement Example

Budget: $500

Project Goals & Objectives:

  • Create an icon that will be used in a mobile app to identify the app and differentiate it from other similar apps.
  • The icon should be easily recognizable, bold, and modern.

Tasks & Deliverables:

  • Create 3 drafts of possible icons by [date]. These should be presented to [client name] for review.
  • After approval is received, create 5 more variations of the approved design by [date]. These should be presented to [client name] for review.
  • After approval is received, create 2 more variations of the approved design by [date]. These should be presented to [client name] for review.
  • After approval is received, create one final version of the icon by [date]. This should be presented to [client name] for review.

Children Book Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: Children’s Book Illustration

Estimated Budget: $5,000-$10,000

Project Goals & Objectives:

  • Provide all the illustrations needed for a children’s book
  • Create illustrations that are engaging and original
  • Deliver the illustrations on time

Tasks & Deliverables:

  • Original cover illustration that includes the title of the book
  • Illustrations for each chapter of the book
  • Professional Suggestions based on previous experience

Pitch Deck Project Scope Statement Example

Project Name: Create a Project Scope for Pitch Deck Presentation

Estimated Budget: $2,000

Project Goals & Objectives:

  • The goal of this project is to create a project scope that will be used in the pitch deck presentation.
  • The objective is to have a visual representation of the work that needs to be done in order to complete the pitch deck presentation.
  • It will also include the tasks and deliverables that need to be completed in order to complete the project.

Tasks & Deliverables: A visual representation of what needs to be accomplished in order to complete the pitch deck presentation.

Milestone Schedule: The milestone schedule will include an estimated time frame of when each task should be completed and when each deliverable should be completed.

Metaverse Project Scope Statement Example

Project Scope for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

Budget: $100,000

Project Goals and Objectives: Create a metaverse that helps users learn about the fictional American comic book superheroes created by writer Joe Kavalier and artist Jerry Siegel.

Tasks and Deliverables:

  • Create a virtual world based on the novel: 100 hours
  • Add the ability to click on objects in the world to read relevant excerpts from the book: 100 hours
  • Add characters to interact with in the world: 200 hours
  • Add feature to visualize changes in location, i.e., move from one place to another based on user input: 100 hours

Milestone Schedule:

  • November 1st: Submit the complete project scope to client
  • December 1st: Complete primary world design and layout
  • January 1st: Build out character interactions and add the first set of text excerpts

Business Analysis Project Scope Statement Example

Budget: $3,000

Project Goals & Objectives

  • Primary goal: to create a better experience for customers in the home security industry.
  • Secondary goal: to reduce the number of customers who are dissatisfied with their home security systems, both due to malfunction and dissatisfaction with the installation process.

Tasks & Deliverables

  • Create a survey for customers who have installed home security systems. The survey will be administered online by a third party.
  • Compare the data obtained from this survey with current industry benchmarks.
  • Identify areas where [company name] can improve their customer experience. These areas will include installation processes and customer satisfaction after installation, as well as other areas that may emerge as particularly significant during the analysis of the survey results.
  • Create a report summarizing this information and the recommended next steps for the company to take moving forward in order to improve their customer's experience of installing and using home security systems.

Tiktok Ads Project Scope Statement Example

Estimated Budget:  $25,000

Project Goals & Objectives:  Our goals are to gain 1 million followers for the account @xyz and to increase our monthly revenue by 10% within the next 3 months. We will accomplish these goals by running ads on Tiktok targeted at 18-21-year-olds who have liked related accounts in the past and have been viewing related posts.

Tasks & Deliverables: Our team will make a minimum of 5 videos per week. Each video will be 15-30 seconds long. The videos will feature models using the product while performing popular dances or attempting comedic stunts with their lips.

We will run Tiktok ads for 2 weeks at a time that contain two 15-second clips from the previous week's videos. We estimate that we will need $500 per campaign, so we can run a maximum of 50 campaigns during this project.

Milestone Schedule: Please see attached table for a detailed breakdown of each milestone

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