If they had told me a year ago that you would write, about the experience of being a freelancer, I would not have believed them. I'm writing this from a lovely, calm cafe in a beach town.
I'm not sure when I got here, but I'm here and I just spoke with a client; now I'm going to have my tea and eat something. I go down to the shore and take a walk after a while.
How did it start and go on?
I've recently finished my second month as a freelancer. My shift to freelancing was quite easy because I created a sole proprietorship at a young age and began working solely for myself. My prior job required me to provide remote services to my clients, and I ran a sole business for a long time. In truth, I had years of experience as a freelancer as a local, which may have aided my shift.
I'm currently employed as web automation and full-stack developer on Upwork. My profile is still being filled since it is my second month. Although I am used to working remotely, being able to do it in a foreign language was initially exhausting.
Fortunately, because of my attention to English, I have been able to communicate effectively with my clients throughout the past year.
However, I am still working to enhance my language and communication skills, as well as my knowledge of the business in which I work.
One of the most significant aspects of my job in the software development sector is staying current. It is vital to spend time on self-development in order to achieve this. Working as a freelancer, I believe, gives a person an opportunity in this regard, because the person determines his or her own working hours and frequency.
As a result, I'll have more time to learn new technologies that I wanted to learn but couldn't because of my current job, and after I've honed my skills in these areas, I'll be able to start serving in these areas. I believe that freelancing facilitates this adjustment.
Digital nomadic and next one
Digital nomadism is one of the concepts that freelancing has introduced into my life: my home is wherever I can carry my computer. When I was financially and physically free of local ties, I wondered why I had stayed in my office for so long, why I hadn't stopped by a friend and worked there, or why I hadn't gone to the beach and worked there in the fresh air.
This is a new style of working for me, and there aren't many others that work this way around me. After hearing about digital nomadism from a friend, I decided to do some investigation to see whether my living conditions were suitable, which they were.
I'm writing from a friend's house by the sea, far from my neighborhood in crowded, filthy, and noisy Istanbul, where I tried to relax by going for a walk in the evenings, but each time I returned exhausted. I'll be back home next week, but I don't think I'll stay much longer; all I want is to see my cat Vanta:')
My friend who taught me about digital nomadism quit his/her salaried job, grumbling about being stressed all the time, and landed his/her first job after only two or three days of hard work. Today appears to be a lot of fun.
My life and plans
I'm not sure what I have to say about it. Apart from a few expenditures, I don't have a regular expense or anything that ties me to the city/environment I reside in because I'm still young. It's best to think of it as the story of a young woman who's just gotten her life in order.
My long-term ambitions are to continue doing this job abroad, which I intend to do for the time being. While traveling, I work and explore. I doubt I would have dared to think about it if I had stayed at the tavern. Even if I made a lot of money, I'd have a stressful job because of the unknowns that the setting would bring. At the very least, I'm at ease now.
In short: working as a freelancer has isolated me economically and physically from my environment. The point I will reach is very clear: world citizenship and nomadism. But for now, I'll be a nomad in my own city, at least for a while.
Everywhere I carry my computer is my home.