Freelancing Kit for Digital Marketer

2 years ago   •   7 min read

By Zekeriya Mulbay
Table of contents

Are you a digital marketer who wants to start freelancing?

We crafted templates and examples for digital marketers who want their freelance careers to thrive. They can find profitable niches, and generate profile headlines and descriptions. Also, they can find sample project descriptions and cover letters.

Freelancing Templates

Profitable Freelance Niches for Digital Marketers

The freelance Digital Marketer niche is a highly profitable market. Clients are always looking for good freelancers to help with their businesses, and they're willing to pay more for quality work than what you'd expect.

Digital Marketers often make the bulk of their income from working as freelancers—and that's not just because there aren't many jobs available in this field! Even if you only take on one or two projects a year, the quality of your work and your reputation can help you charge premium rates and bring in a fat paycheck.

It's important to note that there are three different types of Digital Marketers:

  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Email Marketing

With each type, there's an increasing range of prices you can charge for your services. Generally the higher-priced tier is the one where clients are looking for something groundbreaking: like writing an entire handbook on a niche topic or handling social media campaigns for high-profile celebrities. Even if you don't want to take on those kinds of projects right away, it's valuable information to know that they exist and that they'll help build your reputation as a top-notch Digital Marketer.

Tips to Become a Freelance Digital Marketer

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Be Awesome and Pays Attention to Detail: The first step is just to be awesome. All the details are in your profile, so pay attention to them. Including a clear headshot of yourself helps clients feel more comfortable hiring a freelancer they've never met.
  • Learn How the Site Works: As you build your portfolio, work on building your skills and knowledge while keeping in mind that Upwork is a site where employers look for certain keywords, then browse through profiles with those keywords in them.
  • Use Keywords Strategically: This is really important for making sure that you're found when employers search for your skillset. You can also use tags or categories to help organize all the information you share about your work experience, education, and skills.

Freelance Digital Marketer Profile Headline Examples

  • Marketing expert with top-tier skills in SEO, PPC, and content strategy
  • Online marketing expert with knowledge of traditional and digital media
  • Experienced online marketer with expertise in social media, content creation, and Google Analytics
  • Innovative digital marketer with passion for clever copywriting and e-commerce
  • Experienced internet marketer looking to break into the tech industry
  • Certified in SEO, PPC, and copywriting
  • Expert in CRO, A/B testing, email marketing, and conversion design
  • Expert at AppNexus and Google Adwords
  • LinkedIn influencer for search marketing
  • Designs landing pages that convert traffic into leads

Freelance Digital Marketers Profile Description Example

I'm a digital marketing guru who's been honing my skills for more than 15 years. I've been in the industry so long, that I can do it all. I've got a team of experts who are ready to work hard for you, and they're not just digital marketing experts—they're also social media gurus, content writers, and project managers.

When you hire me, you'll get:

  • Fantastic articles for your website
  • Articles that will help you build links that you can use to drive traffic to your site
  • High-quality blog posts that will help increase your reputation on the web and keep people coming back for more
  • Help with your SEO so that Google knows what your company is all about and can send potential customers directly to you and away from your competitors (and sales will be easier)
  • Targeted ads on Facebook that will tell your story in a way that's guaranteed to get attention (no more missed opportunities!)
  • Social media profiles that are easy to manage and that will attract customers like bees to honey (you know how great it

Digital Marketing Project Brief Example

Background: I'm looking to outsource some of my digital marketing efforts, and I'm having trouble figuring out where to start. I've got a simple wordpress site that gets around 5,000 hits a month, but I want to increase that number significantly.

Objective: I'd like for my total site visits to increase by 2x within 6 months, after which point I'll be happy with the current level of traffic (10,000 per month).

Scope: In order to increase our site visits, we need to do a few things. First, we need to improve the quality of our content. Second, we need to increase our social media presence. Third, we need to explore some advertising options. These are the three areas that I want help with from a freelancer.

Timeline and Estimated Budget: I'd love to get this done as quickly as possible. We can talk about what is reasonable for each task when we're discussing project details. In terms of budget, I'm trying to keep costs below $10000 for this project.

Digital Marketing Project Cover Letter/Proposal Example

Hello [client name],

I saw your job description and I think my experience is a perfect fit. I've done work similar to this before, and I'm confident I can help you achieve your goals.

Here's what I know:

  • Your [goals] need to be achieved by [date/deadline].
  • You're looking for someone who specializes in [your needs] and has years of experience with [what the project requires].
  • You want someone who can provide work samples that prove they're capable of doing the job (see below).

As for me, I have all of those things. In fact, here are just a few pieces of my work that may be of interest:

  • [sample 1]
  • [sample 2]
  • [sample 3]

I'd love to help you reach your goals by [achieving what will get them there]. Before we begin, though, I have a few questions:

  • [question 1]
  • [question 2]

Client Communication Templates

Introduce Yourself as a Digital Marketer

Hi, my name is [name]. I’m a digital marketer and I love to help businesses grow and gain new customers.

I have a passion for creating content that converts, but I also know how to promote your business through social media, email marketing and SEM.

My skills include:

  • Creating content that converts visitors into leads
  • Developing Facebook ads using the right targeting and copywriting techniques
  • Optimizing landing pages with A/B testing
  • Performing keyword research and creating landing page copy based on what people are searching for

How to Update a Digital Marketing Project Status?

If you’re a digital marketer, you know how important it is to keep your clients up to date on your progress. But sometimes, it can be hard to know what exactly to say.

Here are some tips for updating your client on the status of an ongoing project:

  • Start with a greeting. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy—just “Hi [Client Name],” is fine.
  • Briefly describe what you’ve been working on and the progress you’ve made so far on the project. This should take up no more than a few sentences.
  • Provide any relevant updates or information about what’s coming up next in terms of deliverables or deadlines for your client to expect from you in the near future; if there are any changes, let them know about those too!
  • End by thanking them for their patience, and let them know that they can reach out if they have any questions or concerns!

Freelancing Price Increase Letter for Digital Marketer

Dear [client name],

I'm writing to let you know that I will be increasing the price of my services on [date].

I appreciate your business and am committed to doing everything I can to provide you with the best possible experience. My goal is to continue offering high-quality services at an affordable rate, and this price increase will allow me to keep investing in my business and provide better quality work for you.

I look forward to continuing our relationship and working together for many years to come!

Missed Appointment Email Example

Dear [client name],

I'm so sorry I missed our appointment this afternoon. I had a family emergency, and was not able to make it in time.

I do hope that you will be able to reschedule for another time. My schedule is very open next week, and I would be happy to meet with you then if that works better for you.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

Digital Marketing Project Delay Letter Example

Dear [client name],

I'm writing to let you know that there has been an unexpected delay in the completion of your project. The reason for this delay is [insert reason].

I can assure you that I am working diligently to get it resolved as soon as possible, and I will keep you updated on the progress.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I hope that you will continue to be patient with us.

Interview Questions for Digital Marketer

  • What is your experience with digital marketing?
  • How do you keep yourself organized?
  • What do you like most about working in digital marketing?
  • What are some of your favorite tools for doing your job?
  • What is your approach to creating content for your clients' websites and social media channels?
  • Can you tell me about a time when you were able to help a client grow their business? What was that like?

Freelancing Branding Templates

Elevator Pitch Example for Digital Marketer

I'm a digital marketer, and I help companies reach their goals by creating and executing marketing strategies that leverage digital technology to connect with their target audiences.

I have experience with email marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and content creation. I also have experience with conversion rate optimization, lead generation, landing page design and optimization, digital advertising, website development and management.

Freelance Digital Marketer Narrative

I was working in a company as a Digital Marketer. I was doing everything from copywriting to digital marketing, but there were so many things I had to do that I couldn't focus on my core strength. That's when I decided to quit my job and become a freelancer.

I have been freelancing for the past five years and have learned so much during this time. It has not been an easy journey, but with hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything!

Blog Ideas for Digital Marketer

Here are some blog ideas for digital marketers:

  • How to use social media to grow your business?
  • How to create a content marketing strategy that works?
  • Best tools for managing your time as a freelancer
  • Tips on how to get traffic and increase engagement on social media
  • How to Improve Your SEO with Google Algorithm Updates? (or why it's so important)
  • The Benefits of Using a CRM in Your Marketing Campaigns

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