Effective Business Communication Skills

2 years ago   •   7 min read

By Zekeriya Mulbay

Effective business communication is one of the most necessary tools for the success of any business. Business communication strategies influence every element of a company.

Poor communication is frustrating on an individual level and can lead to immense financial losses if there is a miscommunication between people working in the company.

Delayed messages, misinformed employees, and lost emails can lead to incomplete deadlines, unsuccessful projects, and loss of potential clients.

With such far-reaching consequences, it becomes significant to develop certain business communication techniques to ensure the productive transmission of messages. We have compiled a list of techniques for effective communication you can use in the workplace to ensure better business communication.

1. Give and Take Constant Feedback

In any workplace, constructive feedback has an essential role to play. Feedback generally includes:

  • Knowing other people's opinions.
  • Sharing your perspective.
  • Discussing them together to bring out the best possible solution.

Consistent feedback forms the basis of development and growth for any company. Nevertheless, offering and receiving feedback is a complex process.

1. Give and Take Constant Feedback

Make sure your team members can comprehend the message during any discussion. Remember that business communication is effective only if the employees can understand it.

Follow an open-door policy, so they don't hesitate to approach you to clear their doubts. You can also conduct surveys or online discussions to get input from the team.

Feedback does not always need to be negative. However, the way you structure them can make a big difference.

Nobody likes to be harshly criticized. So, while being honest about your perspective is an integral part of effective communication, sharing it positively can change how the opponent receives it.

2. Use the Right Tool

You should know the tools according to the scenario for efficient and effective business communication. For example, if the subject of discussion is salary, asking for a private meeting works well. If it is about a new project, group meetings are more time-saving.

Use the Right Tool

Communicating at the right time and place can make your employees feel important. Each tool has advantages and shortcomings, so carefully pick the right one.

One-on-One Meeting

This is beneficial for exchanges that may be sensitive and personal. You can balance both constructive criticism and employee engagement with it.

Subjects like career prospects, salary adjustments, and performance issues are best discussed in one-on-one meetings. But they may be time-consuming if you want to address the entire team or update them with a regular report.

Team Meetings

Team meetings are great for maintaining a positive work culture where you propagate openness. They are effective if you want to discuss key details of a particular week or train all the members.

Group Discussions

Group discussions are a great way to interact with everyone on the team if you have a certain objective or stand-ups. However, do not use them often and avoid going for group discussions when a major portion of the group is unaffected by the plan.

3. Ask Questions

Asking questions has two-fold advantages in effective business communication. Firstly, it helps the person to know about the information he is seeking, and secondly, it demonstrates our attention to the conversation, which makes the exchange more interesting.

Ask Questions

Managers and executives should ask questions to determine if the employees can understand the subject being discussed. Questions keep the conversation going by making it more interactive, so don't hesitate to ask.

4. Listen Actively

Hearing the words spoken by others in a discussion does not necessarily mean listening to them. Showing gestures that demonstrate your acknowledgment, like nodding your head, verbal affirmations, and putting up questions, are all essential aspects of active listening.

4. Listen Actively

If you sit through the entire discussion without taking anything useful out of it, you've wasted your time and energy. Listening attentively and asking questions later is a good way to ensure you understand the small details.

It also helps you remember what is being discussed, making the conversation beneficial for you. It enhances the quality of business communication and increases people's engagement.

5. Show Empathy

Nobody likes to be treated like a machine, constantly expected to be useful. People like it when their efforts are validated and appreciated. As the workplace can be overwhelming and demanding for the workers, it becomes imperative to demonstrate empathy towards one another.

5. Show Empathy

Moreover, employees put in more hard work and focus when they feel their job is acknowledged. It also induces a sense of encouragement in the people. So, showing workplace empathy is crucial to building a connection with your co-workers.

6. Watch your Body Language

Communication comprises nonverbal exchanges as well. Yawning, sighing, rolling your eyes, or checking your smartphone are some actions that could show that you are uninterested.

6. Watch your Body Language

You must sit in a way that indicates your attentiveness and interest in the communication. Nod or shake your head, make eye contact, and respond timely to show that you are involved in the conversation.

7. Be Clear and Confident

Confidence, along with clarity, forms the backbone of effective business communication. Take any public speaker; their conviction is ascertained through their manner of speaking. So, you need to have the self-confidence to keep the people engaged.

7. Be Clear and Confident

Clarity is vital to ensure that the listeners can catch what you are saying. As most of the meetings in the workspace are scheduled and short, it is best to decide beforehand what you will speak about and the style you will adopt to explain it.

You should clearly know what you want to convey to the employees.

8. Create a Positive Culture

Culture is a complex term to describe in the context of a work environment. It may be defined as the workers working in a particular company, how they perform their tasks, and their source of communication.

The culture of any organization evolves eventually, and the growing trend of cultural diversity in companies is increasing the importance of positive culture. This helps develop a supportive and understanding environment for the employees.

8. Create a Positive Culture

One of the strategies to foster positive culture is to make a framework of practices that has to be followed in the workplace. In this way, there will be an effective implementation of it.

9. Express Emotions with Respect

Another effective business communication strategy is to prompt the relevant emotions when communicating with workmates.

So, you have to prepare your presentation accordingly. For example- If you are discussing COVID-19, you might want to show gestures and speak in a way that generates feelings of safety.

9. Express Emotions with Respect

You may also portray vulnerability in sensitive topics to inspire others. Show respect to your employees and co-workers as this benefits developing relationships with colleagues. These tips can be followed in one-on-one conversations, group discussions, and team meetings.

10. Consistent with your Communication

Consistency is a prerequisite to a beneficial conversation.

If you are going to explain a new strategy or change in your company, make sure you understand it yourself so that you can explain it uniformly.

10. Consistent with your Communication

Your team members may ask questions about it, so be prepared to explain it in detail.

What is the 7 Cs of Effective Business Communication?

The 7 Cs of Effective Business Communication lists seven principles one should follow while partaking in business communication to make it more productive.

This list applies to written and spoken communication, ensuring that the listener clearly understands whatever you are saying.

The 7 C's of Effective Business Communication are:

1. Clarity

Firstly, the message being sent should be clear to the speaker/sender to ensure that it is understandable for the listener/recipient. It should incorporate the main goal for which it is being discussed and should not cover a lot of objectives together.

2. Completeness

The communication should be complete because it should encompass all the details related to the discussed subject. This saves time and energy as it leaves no room for doubt in the recipient's mind.

It is imperative to consider the outlook of the employees to communicate accordingly.

3. Conciseness

This means communicating your message by using the least number of words possible. Brevity is a vital part of effective business communication as inordinate use of words can create confusion among the recipients.

As conciseness removes repetition of things, it helps in highlighting the important aspects of a subject and helps save time as well.

4. Consideration

Consideration means considering the recipient's educational qualification, background, perspective, and mindset so that you can alter the words to make them more suitable. Make sure that your words do not harm the feelings of the recipient.

Show a positive attitude which should be reflected in your usage of phrases. Try using sentences that highlight an optimistic approach.

5. Concreteness

This implies being precise and particular in your conversation and removing any part that might make it vague or fuzzy. It means one should be specific rather than general while communicating.

Concrete communication will be built on facts and figures that are transmitted in a clear manner.

6. Courtesy

Showing courtesy in communication means respecting the feelings and perspectives of the receiver. The messages should be polite, genuine, thoughtful, and zealous. This behavior will benefit in strengthening the relationship in a workspace which helps in effective collaborations.

7. Correctness

If the information being conveyed in the messages is inaccurate, it is natural that the speaker will lose reliability. Your facts and figures should be accurate and checked.

Moreover, grammatical and spelling mistakes should be avoided as the correct use of language also leaves a good impression on the recipient.


There are several effective techniques that can be used to improve business communication. These techniques include active listening, communicating with clarity and precision, and maintaining a positive attitude.

Follow freelancer.guide to get the know-how of these techniques to improve your business communication skills.

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