I work with ethical clients

2 years ago   •   7 min read

By Zekeriya Mulbay
Table of contents

Hello everyone! I'm Ceyda, a visual artist that resides in Izmir right now. Like many others, I will share my narrative here, which began in offices and continues as a freelancer. We are now in this location, but we are unsure of where the route will lead us.

Traditional biographical details: Istanbul was the place where I formed and shaped myself, despite the fact that I was born and grown up in Izmir. I received a full scholarship for the Department of Architecture at Bilgi University after the university exam. I later finished my second master's degree in the Visual Arts & Visual Communication Design (VACD) department at Sabanci University and received the diploma for my current position after writing a thesis focused on urban sociology in the History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture (MA) department at Bilgi University.

My story from architecture to visual design

I've never felt at ease in the field of architecture, although it has the benefit of allowing you to collaborate with many disciplines. I had the chance to get interested in a variety of subjects when I was studying architecture, including visual arts, music, technology, history, and film. However, I did not have the courage to entirely leave architecture and pursue other subjects.

After working in this field for a few years, I was certain that I didn't want to perform this job. I applied for my second master's degree, VACD, after quitting my last job in 2019. I experienced a breaking point after that and determined to stick with visual design no matter what.

No matter how much you believe in yourself and want to succeed, there will always be others who want to take you away from your dreams. How come I didn't pursue architecture? Why didn't I stay in college longer? Wouldn't slipping into design be worse? What would I do to get a job after that? How would I support myself? People have tried to dissuade you from what you desire in the past, and they won't be the last because of these worries and their own reality. You simply get so bored that you choose not to listen to any of them. I was in that situation.

This moment was the turning point in my life. One thing I can say for sure about myself is that I'm not a submissive person. When they gave me extra work while I was working at other people's company, I would go overboard and complain that it was pointless for me to put in so much effort because I wasn't a profit partner, I received the same pay whether I worked hard or not, and I was generally unwelcome at work.

I was always rebel against unethical issues. I started looking for solutions to "how do I get by doing business on my own" when I was studying in VCD because I was certain I would never return to the company and the chaos I was working under in the office environment.

I initially attempted working independently at local jobs to get experience and money, but it didn't work. On the one hand, I was aware that there was a potential there even if the entire world had switched to remote work because of coronavirus.

My friends, who were aware of my ideas, received Zekeriya Mulbay's well-known Upwork tweet and assisted me in joining just as I was declaring, "I can't make a livelihood in this nation without earning foreign currency." Unrelatedly, in the same month, I received a request from a London-based team on Behance for assistance with the presentation designs. I had never had the chance to work for a foreign company before.

Freelancing is not easy

Here, a widespread misunderstanding exists. When launching a firm, it may appear to those looking on from a distance that everything just fell into place by chance and that business is taking off, but this is rarely the case on the inside.

You have to sow seeds everywhere if you want to keep a job. You share your ideas with others. Your website, portfolio, and LinkedIn are just a few of the places where you make yourself and your work available. Work in a variety of occupations to obtain experience. Most importantly, you remain visible and maintain your position in people's minds. Over time, this produces results, and the connections you've been working toward for a while (though occasionally from an unexpected location) are suddenly made.

The Freelancer Guide is once again the main factor that gives you the impression that you are not alone.

I am a freelancer who prefers to work long term. When I made the decision to work for myself for the first time, I never even dreamed that I could travel down a path that was so steady and easy. I joined Upwork in August 2020. After attending a number of interviews in September 2020, I received my first job offer from one of the biggest company search engines in the world, such as Glassdoor!

We still collaborate each month and will do so going forward if nothing goes wrong. When I worked in offices, I could not have imagined working with such big organizations separately. When they escorted me to their team meeting, I recall the first time my eyes started to well up with tears.

I was able to clearly see how much the equal circumstances and conditions I sought were actually what they should be when I was working in the market, in the offices, and I can state with certainty that I restored my confidence.

If I compare being a freelancer with working in an office

The mentality of working as a freelancer and an office employee are very different. While not dealing with customers or accepting responsibility when working in an office can be quite pleasant, when you are a freelancer, you are the person you represent and are accountable for.

I even started out by learning how to email! There is plenty to learn about how to interact with customers, how to deal with setbacks, and what our financial commitments are, but nothing will change because everything is in your hands and you are not responsible to anyone.

I experienced a great deal of mental relief after I quit working in offices, particularly after I started dealing with clients from Germany, England, France, Switzerland, and, of course, America. Yes, you work nonstop when you're a freelancer because you have unlimited time, but the mental strain is considerably greater than the anxiety associated with working in an office. 7/24 :) I feel incredibly powerful because you have the freedom to end your relationship with a tyrannical, difficult, or disrespectful customer whenever you want. Sincerely, I don't collaborate with someone I deem to be unethical in order to defend my own political standpoint.

How do I spend time in a day?

I work two different types of days. One of them is the ordinary day, when I start at 10:00 and end at 19:00 as if I were working in a regular office, if I'm going to work with people in Europe. I make coffee, check emails and calendar appointments, prepare work files, eat breakfast, return to the office, bike or work out in the evening, and then finish. At night, watch a movie on Mubi.

My favorite workday is the other one. First off, I often start working after breakfast, at approximately 12:30, because I'm not a morning person and work with Americans most of the time. It is 1:00 pm when you say to check your mail, make coffee, and look at job drafts. I work for a few hours, then I either work out or ride my bike about 16.30–17.00 (sadly, working from home deprives you of everyday activities and forces you to move). After dinner, I'll publish again between 7:00 PM and 2:00 PM. I will then doomscroll online till I fall asleep.

I work 4 days in a week

Since I started working for myself, I have no longer had to deal with issues like taking on more work or working on the weekend, especially given how highly valued holidays are in both Europe and the United States. But if I want it, if I receive more work, I work, and nobody disturbs him except for me.

I frequently finish my task quickly by working long hours, cutting my five-day workweek in half. In other words, I typically take 3 days off and then work hard for 4 days. In my country, I work on holidays, but if I choose not to work, no one will ask for my account as long as I finish the job. I came to see what a luxury this freedom is.

Those who assert TLDR: Before I started working as a freelancer, I could never have imagined working with large corporations like Beatport or Glassdoor. I also had no idea that having the freedom to create my own business would boost my self-confidence and organize my professional life. I am aware that jumping into this is difficult, but everyone reaches a "enough" point. If so, then sure, this is the time to enter a brand-new, liberated working environment. As long as you take decisive action, maintain the trust relationship throughout time, learn from one another, and remember that you are not alone at this moment, it will be very difficult for you to fail. Who among us wasn't yet? Come!


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